Hip Pain Physiotherapy treatment in Lahore, Pakistan

Best Hip Pain Physiotherapy in Lahore, Pakistan

Meer’s Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center provide the best Hip Pain Physiotherapy in Lahore, PakistanDr. Mir Shakeel Ahmad is a highly qualified and Expert Physiotherapist in Lahore, Hip pain involves any pain in or around the hip joint. You may not feel pain from your hip directly over the hip area. You may feel it in your groin or pain in your thigh or knee. If you need home physiotherapy services you can contact us Now!

Risk Factors in Hip Pain:

  • Older age
  • Prior injury and excess weight are also risk factors for developing arthritis in the hip.

*Maybe you play a lot of strenuous sports or have a job that puts a lot of strain on your hips. In that case, you could also be more susceptible to injuries.

Causes of Hip Pain

  1. Core muscle injury (a.k.a. sports hernia or athletic pubalgia)
  2. Bursitis
  3. Tendonitis
  4. Labral tears
  5. Gynaecological or pelvic floor issues
  6. Hip impingement
  7. Osteoarthritis

Symptoms of hip Pain

  • You’re unable to bear weight
  • Your hip made a popping sound
  • Your hip became visibly deformed after a fall
  • Your hip is more painful the day after a fall
  • You’re experiencing intense pain or sudden swelling
  • You have osteoporosis and have injured your hip

When to visit a Physiotherapist for hip pain treatment in lahore

One should visit a Physiotherapist as soon as they witness any of the above-mentioned symptoms of hip pain.

Why should you visit The Meer’s Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation?

At The Meer’s Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre provide the best Hip Pain Physiotherapy treatment in Lahore, Pakistan, In The Meer’s Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre you will find the best and most recent evidence-based treatment provided by experts. Our expert has a clinical experience of over 16 years and is therefore known to be the best Physiotherapist in Lahore. Our expertise includes Manual therapy such as mobilization, MWM, Taping, Traction, Soft tissue mobilization and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue mobilization.

We provide electrotherapeutic services like TENS/EMS, Ultrasonic radiations, Shockwave therapy, Shortwave diathermy and laser therapy. Heat therapy and Cryotherapy is also provided if and when needed.

Our expert has experience in managing different Hip conditions and has treated over 20,000 patients with various hip problems. We are also experts in providing Pre and Postoperative orthopedic rehabilitation of Hip Joints.

Our expert Dr. Mir Shakeel Ahmad (PT) has treated patients with sports injuries, fractures, surgeries and degenerative changes at the Hip Joint throughout his professional experience.

Book Online Appointment for the Best Hip Pain Physiotherapy in Lahore

Meer’s Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center provide the best treatment of hip pain physiotherapy with evidence-based practice and help you recover earlier. Because we care about you and we want to bring you back to life and improve your quality of life.

Call us at: 0322-42688940337-4960979

Email us at: info@meersphysiotherapy.com

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