Knee Pain Physiotherapy in Lahore The Best Physiotherapy Center in Lahore

Knee Pain physiotherapy in Lahore

Meer’s Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center Provide Services of Knee Pain Physiotherapy in Lahore, Pakistan. Knee pain is the most common complaint and is usually done by people of all ages. Knee pain is a condition which is equally prevalent in both males and females.

What are the risk factors of Knee pain?

Multiple factors can make anyone prone to knee pain.

  • An increased Body Mass Index
  • Increasing Age
  • A history of previous injury
  • Altered body biomechanics
  • Repeated exposure to injury
  • Lack of musle flexibility
  • Lack of muscle strength

What are the most common causes of Knee pain?

Knee pain might be caused due to many reasons. Few of the most common are:

  • Injuries
  • Mechanical Problems
  • Degenerative changes


Knee Injuries may be caused by trauma to the bones i.e. Distal end of femur, patella or proximal part of tibia. Injuries to the soft tissue i.e. ligaments or muscles may be the reason one can experience knee pain. Injury to the ACL is most common and is prevalent amongst all. Injuries to the MCL, PCL, inflammation around the knee cap and meniscal tears are also other common reasons behind knee pain.

Mechanical problems:

Mechanical problems include loosening of the body i.e. any of the surrounding structures break and invade the joint space. A dislocated knee cap might be the other common mechanical problem causing knee pain. Pain in the hip or ankle can also cause knee pain if left untreated and ignored for a longer duration of time. Patellofemoral pain syndrome is also known to be another common cause of knee pain.

Degenerative Changes in Knee:

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common cause of knee pain. Degenerative changes in knee and cartilage is associated with a higher frequency of knee pain. Gout is another condition which occurs usually in the big toe but can also occur in knee joint.

Other reasons include Osteoporosis, overuse injuries, inflammatory conditions and fractures/ trauma.

Knee Pain physiotherapy in Lahore

Why the Meer’s Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation is Best Knee Pain physiotherapy in Lahore, Pakistan

One should visit a physiotherapist as soon as he suffers the following:

  • Knee pain for more than 4 weeks
  • Swelling at or around Knee Joint
  • Reduced Movement
  • Difficulty to bear weight
  • Difficulty to walk
  • Difficulty to perform functional activities
  • Difficulty to ascend/descend stairs

When to visit a Physiotherapist

One should visit a Physiotherapist as soon as they witness any of the above mentioned symptoms.

Knee Pain physiotherapy in Lahore, Pakistan

Why should you visit The Meer’s Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation?

At The Meer’s Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation, you will find the best and recent evidence based treatment provided by the experts. Our expert has a clinical experience of over 16 years and is therefore known to be the best Physiotherapist in Lahore, Pakistan. Our expertise include Manual therapy such as Mobilizations, MWM, Taping, Traction, Soft tissue mobilization and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilizations.

We provide electrotherapeutic services like TENS/EMS, Ultrasonic radiations, Shockwave therapy, Shortwave diathermy and laser therapy. Heat therapy and Cryotherapy is also provided if and when needed. Our expert has an experience in managing different knee conditions and has treated over 20,000 patients with various knee problems.

Book an Appointment for Knee Pain physiotherapy in Lahore, Pakistan

Meer’s Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center provide the best treatment with evidence based practice and help you recover earlier. Because we care about you and we want to bring you back to life and improve your quality of life.

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