Lateral Mass Screw Fixation C3-C6 PD with misonix bonescalpel

Lateral Mass Screw Fixation C3-C6 PD with misonix bonescalpel

Lateral Mass Screw fixation is used for posterior subaxial cervical fixation.

Lateral mass cervical fixation is the technique of choice for posterior cervical stabilization of the lower cervical spine in the cases of cervical spondylotic myelopathy. It is used for patients who had extensive, multiple-level laminectomies with reversed cervical lordosis.


Patient needs to be mobilized from the very first day. All he needs a cervical collar (Philadelphia) for 6 to 8 weeks. He can turn to both sides but should not rotate his neck (log roll). can use the U-shaped pillow for rest. neurology and muscle grading is required for the upper and lower limbs. there will be urine catheter and blood drain also there. bed mobility and transfer will be either moderate dependent OR fully dependent.

Assistive device will be used according to muscle grading and coordination of the patient. Cervical mobility will start after 6 to 8 weeks.

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