Rehabilitation Is The Key To Successful Surgery!!!
On his first post-op day, a 26-year-old football player presented to the IPD. The patient had a complete, close fracture of the talus bone, which was surgically repaired by the procedure of subtalar joint fusion. There were no pre-op or post-op complications. Patient had a history of foot injury in 2019, which was conservatively managed, but this did not heal his fracture, and he re-injured his foot by that time. Despite the fact that the patient was young and a non-smoker, the only reason for the non-healing of his fracture by conservative means was his early return to sports. The AROM of the associated joints of the lower limb was within functional range prior to surgery, but ankle ROM was limited due to fracture. After the surgery, the AROM of the ankle was not testable due to the cast.

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Meer’s Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center provide the best treatment with evidence based practice and help you recover earlier. Because we care about you and we want to bring you back to life and improve your quality of life.
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