Phase 1:Upto 2-3 weeks post- surgery :
*Patient education:pain science, pain management, the importance of home excersices, setting rehabilitation goals and expectations.
*Achieve active and passive knee flexion to 90 degrees and full knee extension.
*Keep passive knee flexion range of motion testing to less than 90 degress in the first two weeks to protect surgical incision and respect tissue healing.
*Aim to achieve minimal pain and swelling.
*achieve full weight bearing.
*Ankle plantar flexion or dorsi flexion.
*Inner range quadriceps strengthening using a pillow or rolled towel behind the knee.
*Isometric knee extension in the outer range.
*Knee and hip flexion /extension.
*Straight leg raise
*Isometric buttock contraction.
*Hip abduction /adduction.
Phase 2: 4-6 weeks post- surgery ;
*Aim to have no quadriceps lag, with good, voluntary quadriceps muscle control.
*Achieve 105 degrees active knee flexion range of motion.
*Achieve full knee extension.
Phase 3: 6-8 weeks post- surgery ;
*Strengthening excercises to ensure hypertrophy beyong nural adaptation.
*Lower limb functional excercises.
*Balance and proprioception training
Phase 4: 8-12 weeks, upto one year post- surgery;
*Aim for independent excercise in the community setting.
*Continue regular excercises involving strengthening, balance and proprioception training.
*Incorporate strategies for behaviour change to increase overall physical activity.