
Pelvis Physiotherapist in Lahore, Pakistan

The Meer’s Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Center in Lahore, Pakistan, offers physiotherapy services specifically for patients who have undergone the orthopaedic surgical procedures of Intramedullary Interlocking Retrograde (IMIL-RG) Nail and External Fixation Pelvis. Dr. Mir Shakeel Ahmad (PT) is the best Pelvis Physiotherapist in Lahore, Pakistan. Nail and External Fixation Pelvis surgery involve the insertion of a nail into the femur bone, which provides excellent mechanical fixation for the shaft of […]

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Pelvis Physiotherapist in Lahore, Pakistan

Physical Therapy Guide to Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s palsy is a form of temporary facial paralysis that can affect a person’s daily function, communication with others, self-esteem, and quality of life. It occurs when the nerve that controls movement on 1 side of the face becomes inflamed. Bell’s palsy usually begins with a sudden feeling of weakness or paralysis on 1 side of the face. CAUTION: These symptoms also can indicate a severe condition, such as a

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Say “good night” to neck pain

Awareness of sleeping positions and proper pillows can minimize neck pain As with so many things, when it comes to neck pain, an ounce of prevention may be worth a pound of cure. It’s true that some causes of neck pain, such as age-related wear and tear, are not under your control. On the other hand, there are many things you can do to minimize your risk. One place to start

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Say good night to neck pain

Lateral Mass Screw Fixation C3-C6 PD with misonix bonescalpel

Lateral Mass Screw fixation is used for posterior subaxial cervical fixation. Lateral mass cervical fixation is the technique of choice for posterior cervical stabilization of the lower cervical spine in the cases of cervical spondylotic myelopathy. It is used for patients who had extensive, multiple-level laminectomies with reversed cervical lordosis. REHABILITATION PROTOCOL Patient needs to be mobilized from the very first day. All he needs a cervical collar (Philadelphia) for

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Lateral Mass Screw Fixation C3-C6 PD with misonix bonescalpel


REHABILITATION PROTOCOL MAXIMUM PROTECTION PHASE. 4-6 WEEKS. Breathing Exercises. Patient Education. Stress Management. TLSO Brace ( Boston brace). Relieve pain. Improve Mobility of the upper and lower extremity. Mobility of the spine IN BED: ( Bed Mobility). Ankle Pumps. Heel slides. Pelvic tilt. SLRs. Gluteal Isometrics MODERATE PROTECTION PHASE . 6-12 WEEKS. Relieve Pain ( if any). Stretching of the Quadriceps. Stretching of the Hamstrings. Calf Stretch. Improve flexibility of



5 Easy Exercises to do at Your Desk to Ease Aches and Pains

General aches and pains have become increasingly more common over the past 18 months due to a reduction of activity during the various lockdowns, and many people having to work from home in less than ideal, non-ergonomic environments. As many commutes have been reduced to  just a few steps from the bedroom to the home office, people are registering just a few thousand steps per day which, for aches and

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5 Easy Exercises to do at Your Desk to Ease Aches and Pains
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