Best Consultant Physiotherapist in Lahore, Pakistan, Dr. Mir Shakeel Ahmad is a highly qualified and experienced Physical therapist with an expertise in Orthopaedic Rehabilitation!
Dr. Mir Shakeel Ahmad has been a former Physiotherapist at Surgimed Hospital and is now serving as Clinical Supervisor, Physiotherapy at Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital and as Head of Department at Punjab Medical Centre!
Best Consultant Physiotherapist in Lahore, Dr. Mir Shakeel Ahmed has a clinical experience of over 20 years and had treated at least 20,000 patients with different Physiotherapy conditions.
When looking for a Best Consultant Physiotherapist in Lahore, consider factors such as their qualifications, experience, areas of expertise, and the reputation of the clinic or hospital where they practice. You can also read reviews and ratings from previous patients to get an idea of their quality of care and level of professionalism.
He is an internationally certified Physiotherapist in Mulligan Mobilization and can treat all conditions related to joints and surgeries.
Book An Appointment Best Consultant Physiotherapist in Lahore
Meer’s Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center provide the best treatment with evidence based practice and help you recover earlier. Because we care about you and we want to bring you back to life and improve your quality of life.
Call us at: 0322-4268894, 0337-4960979
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